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Our top priorities at Collège du Léman are that your children are successful, happy, healthy and well cared for – allowing them to achieve their full potential academically, socially and physically. When you join Collège du Léman, you join a community, made up of families we call Houses.

Students arrive and are placed in one of our Boarding Houses, where they will be in the care of a House Parent, overseen by the Director of Boarding, assisted by tutors.

The House team monitor all aspects of a student’s progress throughout their career and will liaise with you closely during this time. Boarders benefit from supervised homework time as well as a plethora of clubs and activities.

Your child’s welfare is of paramount importance and good food is certainly part of that process. We have an excellent catering team who provide three meals a day in the School dining hall. Menus are available on the website each week.

In addition we place huge importance on Student Voice- we encourage students to take responsibility and to contribute towards the life of our students- you will not find a school that listens more!

Each House has a unique feel and established traditions, of which the boarders feel extremely proud. Inter-House competitions are enjoyable but ultimately hard-fought affairs which reflect the passion of the boarders. We, of course, offer excellent facilities.

It is difficult to do justice to boarding life on a website – there is no substitute for coming to have a look around, and we look forward to welcoming you should you wish to book a tour.

G.Patrick Gruhn

Tim Daum